By Laws



Section 1.
The name of this organization shall be the Lancaster County Chapter PIAA Football Officials


Section 1.
To prescribe and maintain uniform standards of conduct for its members while in the performance
of their duties as a football official.

Section 2.
To foster and promote a positive relationship between the chapter and the schools that the chapter

Section 3.
To improve the quality of football officiating by a continuous study of rules, uniform interpretation,
and techniques.

Section 4 .
To promote the spirit and intent of PIAA rules and regulations.


Section l.
Includes all PIAA approved football officials.

Section 2.
Minimum requirements for a member to be in good standing:

A. Payment of annual dues to be made according to the local chapter rules (as approved by the membership at the first regular meeting).

B. Attendance according to rules set down by the PIAA (rules interpretation plus six regular

C. Completion of annual rules test.


Section 1.
The officers shall consist of three elected members of the chapter membership. They are: President,
Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer.


Section 1. President
The President shall preside at all meetings and appoint all committees (inc1uding, but not limited
to, the Banquet Committee, Nominating Committee and Auditing Committee). He shall be an exofficio member of all committees. He shall also perform such other duties and exercise such powers
as usually pertain to this office. He shall be responsible for providing a list of recommended
officials as requested by the District III Committee. All correspondence and contacts with schools
or any outside organizations should be done through the President.

Section 2. Vice President
The Vice President, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President. I
case of the disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties and powers of the
President. He is responsible for the selection of officials for any all-star game.

Section 3. Secretary- Treasurer
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the chapter meetings.
He shall conduct the correspondence and keep all records and addresses. He shall provide the
President with a copy of all chapter correspondence. He shall keep an accurate record of all monies
received and deposited in a bank under the name of the Association. He shall give notice of all
meetings and perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the President. He shall report at
each meeting the financial status of the chapter, and pass on to the Association any other
information which is in the best interests of the membership. He shall be responsible for all chapter
publicity. He shall present financial statements to the Auditing Committee by the end of the
calendar year.


Section 1..
The Executive Board shall consist of the immediate past president, an elected interpreter, and two
people elected from the general membership.

Section 2.
The Executive Board shall work with the officers of the chapter in planning and implementing all
procedures and actions of the chapter.

Section 3.
The Executive Board shall meet, discuss, and recommend on any matters that the President deems necessary. The Executive Board shall report on their deliberations to the membership.

Section 4.
The duties of the interpreter shall be the following:
A. Act as the official liaison between the chapter and the PIAA concerning rule interpretation.
B. Interpret rules that are consistent with the spirit and intent of the PIAA rules,
recommendations, and recommended technique.
C. In cases that are not specifically defined by rule or interpretation from the PIAA, the
interpreter shall specify the procedure to be followed by the chapter membership.
D. Provide an annual open book test for the members of the chapter.


Section l.
A Banquet Committee shall be appointed by the President at the first regular meeting to plan and
implement the annual banquet. This Committee shall consist of at least three members of the
membership, one of which shall be the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2.
A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President to provide a slate of nominees for all
officers and Executive Board positions. The Nominating Committee will select a chairperson who
will present the report of the Nominating Committee to the membership at the third regular meeting
in October. Election of all officers and the members of the Executive Board will take place at the
last regular meeting in October.

Section 3.
An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President to audit the records kept by the SecretaryTreasurer. This committee shall consist of at least two members of the membership. This audit shall
take place no later than the last day of the calendar year and a report submitted by the Committee to
the new President by January 10.


Section 1.
All meetings will be held on Tuesday evening at a time scheduled by the President.

Section 2.
All meeting formats, except the rules interpretation meeting, shall be the responsibility of the

Section 3.
The format of the rules interpretation meeting shall be the responsibility of the interpreter.

Section 4.
The President shall notify the Membership of the entire schedule of meetings by July 1.


Section 1.
Annual dues shal1 be set by a vote of the membership at the first regular meeting. A motion to set
the annual dues shall be made by the chapter officers.

Section 2.
Local dues are payable by each member on or before October 1 of each year.

Section 3.
The failure of any member to pay his dues by October 1 of the current season will result in an
additional $5.00 assessment.

Section 4.
The failure of any member to pay his dues by the annual football banquet will result in the
suspension of the delinquent member.


Section 1.
In order to amend these By-Laws, the following conditions must be met:
A. The proposed Amendment shall be announced at a regularly scheduled meeting.
B. The proposed Amendment will be voted on one week after the Amendment has been
announced. The voting will be done at a regularly scheduled meeting.
C. A quorum of fifty per cent (50%) of the active membership is necessary to vote on an
D. At least a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all present is needed in order to ratify an Amendment.